Accurate Container Weights

Posted on August 23rd, 2021 in Popular Posts

Accurate Container Weights

With maritime incidents at an all-time high, the importance of accurately declared cargo weights is ever more critical.

Since July 2016, the international Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) has required shippers to obtain and document the verified gross mass of a packed container prior to vessel loading.

Regulations are now enforced in Australia and around the world, where Vessel operators and terminal operators will be required to use verified container weights in vessel stowage plans and will be prohibited from loading a packed container on board a vessel if the container does not have a verified container weight.

It is the Suppliers responsibility to ensure the accurate weight is declared upon export.

As from 4th October, Patrick Terminal will commence using its Pondus container weighing stand to verify import containers’ actual gross mass against the declared Verified Gross Mass. (VGM)

Where the actual gross mass differs by +/- one tonne, a Weight Amendment Fee of appx $200.00 -250.00 will be charged by the wharf operator.

Please note, if these charges have been incurred we will endeavour to pass these back to shippers at origin where incorrectly declared weights have been stated.

Our international agents/partners will be working to enforce the VGM process at origin, however, in the meantime can you please ensure your suppliers comply with respect to the importance of accurate container weight declarations.

If you have any questions or concerns about the VGM process, please contact your account representative.

Yours faithfully,

ADM Global Pty Ltd


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