Empty Parks and Container Detention

Posted on May 23rd, 2022 in Popular Posts

Empty Parks and Container Detention

Congestion in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane is placing further pressure on the infrastructure, particularly Empty Container Parks.

Feedback within the industry is that empty container parks have reached capacity and are currently declining the return of empty containers, as they are unable to accommodate the influx.

This is resulting in containers being staged in alternative holding yards, potentially resulting in futile transport charges, additional empty dehire fees and container detention.

Appeals have been made to Shipping Lines to assess their Detention Free Period policies, given the ongoing constraints on infrastructure, with no resolution at this stage.

Productivity Commissions are addressing the matter on behalf of the industry.

Please take note as this will have impacts across the supply chain, during this period.

In the meantime, should you have any further queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your assigned Customer Service Representative or Business Development Manager.

Yours faithfully,

ADM Global Pty Ltd


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